SulfaTreat – Gas or air H2S removal

Various SulfaTreat processes treat contaminated gas and air with a granular media that selectively removes hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and some light mercaptans.

SulfaTreat - Gas or air H2S removal

Gas or vapor flows through the media, reacting with H2S forming a stable and environmentally compliant byproduct at any point in its life cycle. Product consumption is not adversely affected by other gas components. The media prefers high humidity levels to fully water-saturate gas. Computer-assisted design matches operating conditions with desired results, such as maximum outlet allowed pressure drops (needs only a few inches W.C.) and long bed life. It works in any gas pressure or vacuum, inlet H2S concentration and at temperatures up to 300°F. System sizes range from removing a few pounds up to over a ton H2S daily, and to as low as 0.1-ppm maximum outlet, depending on system design.


SulfaTreat: media removes H2S in fully water-saturated gas.
SulfaTreat–HP: media removes H2S and light mercaptans in under-saturated gas and is faster than SulfaTreat in fully water-saturated gas.
SulfaTreat–410HP: media performs like SulfaTreat-HP but with a low pressure drop required. It is faster reacting and has twice the H2S loading capacity in gas or air streams containing oxygen.
SulfaTreat–XLP: is a concentrated high-capacity product that lasts 2 to 4 times longer in the same vessel. It extends the operating period and reduces operating costs.

Economics: Operating costs are less than liquid reactants and have greater reliability. Operator attention is minimal. Vessels are simple and non-proprietary in design, thus lowering installation cost. Products can be used alone or may be combined with other processes that remove contaminants other than H2S.

Licensor: SulfaTreat, a Business Unit of M-I L.L.C.

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