Three process requirements must be met for gas to be dried in a standard glycol dehydration unit: 1. The gas velocity through the contactor tower…
Category: Glycol Dehydration
Drying towers in natural gas service can become rapidly fouled with drilling mud or formation and frac sand. The sand appears in the wellhead gas…
A distillation column can flood due to dry damage, undersized liquid downcomers, high liquid level in the bottom of the tower, foulcommonly encountered in natural…
The field supervisor’s first indication of a flooded contactor tower is usually a report of excessive glycol loss. A check of a lowpoint bleeder on…
The hot glycol from the reboiler is cooled by heat exchange with the wet glycol from the contactor. This heat transfer typically takes place in…
The gas exiting the top of the contactor in Figure 6-1 can be assumed to be in equilibrium with the reboiled—i.e., dry—glycol. The higher the…
The first oddity I noticed was the noise from the vents associated with the individual reboilers. As Figure 6-1 shows, the expanding gas, used to…
Natural gas transported through common carrier pipelines must meet a moisture specification of 7 pounds of water per MMscf. Gas is usually dried to meet…