Amine Absorber

Amine absorbers use counter-current flow through a trayed or packed tower to provide intimate mixing between the amine solution and the sour gas. Typically, small diameter towers use stainless steel packing, while larger towers use stainless steel trays. For systems using the recommended solution concentrations and loadings, a tower with 20 to 24 actual trays is normal. Variations in solution concentrations and loadings may require further investigation to determine the number of trays.

In a trayed absorber the amine falls from one tray to the one below in the same manner as the liquid in a condensate stabilizer. It flows across the tray and over a weir before flowing into the next downcomer. The gas bubbles up through the liquid and creates a froth that must be separated from the gas before it reaches the underside of the next tray. For preliminary design, a tray spacing of 24 in. and a minimum diameter capable of separating 150 to 200 micron droplets (using the equations developed in Volume 1 for gas capacity of a vertical separator) can be assumed. The size of packed towers must be obtained
from manufacturer’s published literature.

Commonly, amine absorbers include an integral gas scrubber section in the bottom of the tower. This scrubber would be the same diameter as required for the tower. The gas entering the tower would have to pass through a mist eliminator and then a chimney tray. The purpose of this scrubber is to remove entrained water and hydrocarbon liquids from the gas to protect the amine solution from contamination.

Alternately, a separate scrubber vessel can be provided so that the tower height can be decreased. This vessel should be designed in accordance with the procedures in Volume 1 for design of two-phase separators.

For ME A systems with a large gas flow rate, a scrubber should be considered for the outlet sweet gas. The vapor pressure of MEA is such that the separator may be helpful in reducing MEA losses in the overhead sweet gas. DEA systems do not require this scrubber because the vapor pressure of DEA is very low.

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