Remove H2S selectively, or remove a group of acidic impurities (H2S, CO2, COS, CS2 and mercaptans) from a variety of streams, depending on the solvent used. Flexsorb SE technology has been used in refineries, natural gas production facilities and petrochemical operations.
Flexsorb SE or SE Plus solvent is used on: hydrogenated Claus plant tail gas to give H2S, ranging down to H2S < 10 ppmv; pipeline natural gas to give H2S < 0.25 gr/100 scf; or Flexicoking low Btu fuel gas. The resulting acid gas byproduct stream is rich in H2S. Hybrid Flexsorb SE solvent is used to selectively remove H2S, as well as organic sulfur impurities commonly found in natural gas. Flexsorb PS solvent yields a treated gas with: H2S < 0.25 gr/100 scf, CO2 < 50 ppmv, COS and CS2 < 1 ppmv, mercaptans removal >95%. This solvent is primarily aimed at natural gas or syngas cleanup. The byproduct stream is concentrated acid gases.
A typical amine system flow scheme is used. The feed gas contacts the treating solvent in the absorber (1). The resulting rich solvent bottom stream is heated and sent to the regenerator (2). Regenerator heat is supplied by any suitable heat source. Lean solvent from the regenerator is sent through rich/lean solvent exchangers and coolers before returning to the absorber.
Flexsorb SE solvent is an aqueous solution of a hindered amine. Flexsorb SE Plus solvent is an enhanced aqueous solution, which has improved H2S regenerability yielding <10 vppm H2S in the treated gas. Hybrid Flexsorb SE solvent is a hybrid solution containing Flexsorb SE amine, a physical solvent and water. Flexsorb PS solvent is a hybrid consisting of a different hindered amine, a physical solvent and water. Economics: Lower investment and energy requirements based primarily on requiring 30% to 50% lower solution circulation rates. Licensor: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co.