Application: Production of hydrogen from hydrocarbon feedstocks such as: natural gas, LPG, butane, naphtha, refinery offgases, etc., using the Haldor Topsøe radiant-wall Steam Methane Reformer (SMR). Plant capacities range from 5,000 Nm3/h to more than 200,000 Nm3/h hydrogen (200+ MMscfd H2) and hydrogen purity of up to 99.999+%.
Description: The Haldor Topsøe SMR-based hydrogen plant is tailor-made to suit the customer’s needs with respect to economics, feedstock flexibility and steam export. In a typical Topsøe SMR-based hydrogen plant, a mix of hydrocarbon feedstocks or a single feedstock stream is first desulfurized. Subsequently, process steam is added, and the mixture is fed to a prereformer. Further reforming is carried out in the Haldor Topsøe radiant wall SMR. The process gas is reacted in a medium-temperature CO shift reactor and purified by pressure swing absorption (PSA) to obtain product-grade hydrogen. PSA offgases are used as fuel in the SMR. Excess heat in the plant is efficiently used for process heating and steam generation.
The Haldor Topsøe radiant wall SMR operates at high outlet temperatures up to 950°C (1,740°F). The Topsøe reforming catalysts allow operation at low steam-to-carbon ratio. Advanced Steam Reforming uses both high outlet temperature and low steam-to-carbon ratio, which are necessary for high-energy efficiency and low hydrogen production cost. The Advanced Steam Reforming design is in operation in many industrial plants throughout the world.
Economics: The Advanced Steam Reforming conditions described can achieve a net energy efficiency as low as 2.96 Gcal /1,000 Nm3 hydrogen using natural gas feed (315 MM Btu/scf H2).
Licensor: Haldor Topsøe A/S.