Low water dew points, typical water dew point depressions up to 180°F (depressions greater than 200°F achievable with Drizo HP), 95%+ recovery of BTEX vapor components.
Water is absorbed (1) from natural gas by glycol (DEG, TEG or tetraethylene glycol). The glycol is then thermally regenerated in reboiler (2). The main differences with conventional glycol processes are: glycol is flashed after preheating (3) to allow high recovery of liquid hydrocarbons (4). After heteroazeotropic distillation, these liquid hydrocarbons are recovered from the still column condenser (5), vaporized (6) and used to strip the hot glycol (7). Water, still present in the liquid hydrocarbons, can be removed by a coalescer (8) and by an optional solvent dehydration package (9) (Drizo + and Drizo HP versions). Glycol purities above 99.99 wt% and up to 99.998+ wt% (Drizo HP) are obtained, thus enabling residual water content in the treated gas down to below 0.1 ppm.
Economics: Combining very low dew points with low CO2 and BTEX emissions, Drizo is an environmentally friendly process compared with the other glycol processes. Drizo is very competitive with all dehydration processes at water dew points below –30°C. A Drizo unit would be roughly 20% cheaper than an equivalent glycol stripping unit with recompression of the stripping gas (in addition to the fact that Drizo is able to reach much lower water dew points), and can be 50% cheaper than a mol sieve unit.
Licensors: OPC Drizo, Inc., and Prosernat IFP Group Technologies