KBR’s ROSE (Residuum Oil Supercritical Extraction) solvent deasphalting technology is used to extract maximum volumes of FCCU, or hydrocracker/hydrotreater feedstocks from atmospheric and vacuum resids, and in some special cases from whole crude oils. The extracted deasphalted oil (DAO) yields can be adjusted to optimize integration with downstream units. The ROSE DAO has “order of magnitude” lower heptane insolubles content as well as lower metals and conradson carbon than from other solvent deasphalting processes. This lower heptane insolubles content allows refiners to achieve longer run lengths in hydrotreating and hydrocracking units and reduced catalyst usage in FCC units. Moderate operating temperatures almost alleviates the need for 317SS metallurgy when processing high acid crude oils.
ROSE is also useful in production and upgrading of heavy oils. The process is also used for debottlenecking of existing vacuum distillation units and cokers.
Resid is charged through a mixer (M-1), where it is mixed with solvent before entering the asphaltene separator (V-1), which uses special internals to achieve maximum benefit of counter current solvent flow. The solvent extracts primarily non-asphaltenic, paraffinic deasphalted oil. The asphaltene-rich stream leaves from the bottom of the separator. The extracted oils and solvent flow overhead (V-1) through heat exchangers (E-1, E-4, E-6) so that the solvent reaches conditions where it exists as a supercritical fluid in which the oil is virtually insoluble. Recovered solvent leaves the separator top (V-3) to be cooled by heat exchange (E-4, E-1) and a cooler (E-2). The only solvent vaporized is a small amount dissolved in fractions withdrawn in the separators. This solvent is recovered in the product strippers.
Alternately an intermediate resin rich product can be produced in V2 and T2 as shown in the attached figure.
V-1, V-2 and V-3 are equipped with high-performance ROSEMAX internals. These high-efficiency, high-capacity internals offer superior product yield and quality while minimizing vessel size and capital investment. These internals can also be used to debottleneck and improve operations of existing solvent deasphalting units.
Products: Lube blendstocks, synthetic crude, FCCU feed, hydrocracker feed, coker feed, resins and asphaltenes.
Yields: The solvent composition and operating conditions are adjusted to provide the highest product quality and yields required for downstream processing or to meet finished product specifications. Solvents range from propane through hexane and almost always are streams produced in refineries.
Licensor: KBR.